Southern California Gourd Competition 2024

Hosted by Orange County Gourd Society

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California Gourd Society

Southern California Gourd Competition 2024

Hosted by Orange County Gourd Society

Viewing will be on October 26, 2024, from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

How To Enter

·      The competition is open to ALL.

·      The entry fee per entry is $6.00 for CGS members and $10.00 for all others. One entry per entry form. Make checks payable to CGS and put inside your box containing your entry. Please complete the entry form and e-mail back to head clerk.  Enclose a copy with your entry piece.

·      Mailed entries will be accepted. Mailed entries must arrive by October 18, 2024. See directions below.

·      Entries may be submitted before October 18. 2024. LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE JUDGED. The manual entry form is available at the top of this page as a pdf or word doc.

·       For on-line entry form, please use this link: So. Cal. Competition Entry Form 2024

It will be submitted electronically. When you submit your entry, a copy will be sent to you.

·      CGS reserves the right to photograph and video each entry and use in promotion of CGS Art Competition.

·      While every effort is made to provide security of items, the California Gourd Society and Orange County Gourd Society are not responsible for damaged or lost items.

·      The artist is responsible for placing his or her piece in the correct category.

Note: We have four divisions. Please read category and division descriptions carefully.  Fit your art work to the categories.

·      Packing – gourds will be transported from a group pick-up to entry, storage and to show.  Please pack your gourd for safe transport and handling.  If you have multiple entries or entries with stands, please enclose a picture or diagram.

·      Direction for Mailed Entries – Please mail to:

                                     Debra Zimmerman

                                    5636 Campo Walk

                                    Long Beach, CA 90803

Phone 562 822-6940 (ok to text)



CGS or its representatives are not responsible for any damage caused during shipping. Insurance coverage is recommended. Please ensure that your gourds are packed carefully with ample protection.

(1) Take the box to the post office or shipping office you prefer.

(2) After determining postal cost for one-way shipping, purchase two (2) shipping labels.

(3) Enclose postage label for return shipping inside the package with your gourds.

(4)  Affix postage for shipping to the competition on the outside of the package.

(5) Send a text or e-mail with the tracking number to Debra Zimmerman.

General Rules

1.      Gourds must predominate. Entries must have a predominate focus of the medium or technique for the entry category.  For example, if entered in Painting, the painting must be the focal point of the piece.

2.      Gourds previously entered in a CGS competition and judged by AGS guidelines will not be permitted.

3.      Craft/artwork for each entry must be the original work of the person who is the entrant. Pieces can not be collaborations of two or more artists.

4.      Only one entry per category is permitted.

5.      Class gourds are permitted only in the Class Gourd Category.

6.      The Head Judge reserves the right to disqualify or reassign entries that do not meet category criteria. S/He may also change, subdivide, or combine categories as necessary.

7.      Copyright designs such as Disney characters or copies of other artist’s work may not be used on entries unless written permission is granted by the artist or copyright holder. Copyright free designs may be used.

8.      All participants agree to allow photographs and videos to be taken of displayed items.

9.      Not all categories may be included in each division.

10.   Category definitions may be the same for Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Master Craftsman, but will be judged according to Division level.

11.   Laser work and fractal burning on gourds will not be judged in the Gourd Competition. If a gourd contains these techniques, that portion of the work will not be considered in the judging.

12.   Notecards may be submitted to explain or document process used to create artwork.


The California Gourd Society will coordinate all judging. Judging will follow the American Gourd Society judging guidelines.  The overall appearance of the entry, quality of craftsmanship, difficulty and level of effort as well as the use of featured technique/theme will be considered.   


Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category at the judge’s discretion. A category with only one entry does not necessarily guarantee a 1st place.  Winners can choose to receive a ribbon or pin for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place awards. 

Best of Show – award given to preferred entry of BOD.  Best of Division – One entry out of all First place entries in a given division.  Judges Choice – award given by each judge to their favorite entry. People’s Choice – award given to the piece who receives the most votes from the public viewing.

 Special Category – Class Gourds For this competition, we are allowing class gourds in an open division (all levels).  Entries in this category are not eligible for Best of Show or Best of Division.  You may enter a gourd completed in a class. There will be four sections: Section A - Simple class gourdsNovice/Intermediate level.  Work completed in class in one session.Section B – Complex class gourdsNovice /Intermediate level. Work completed in multiple days in and out of class or in a multiple day class. 

Section C - Simple class gourdsAdvanced/Master Craftsman level.  Work completed in class in one session. Section D – Complex class gourds Advanced/Master Craftsman level. Work completed in multiple days in and out of class or in a multiple day class. 

Division Levels 


This division is for gourd crafters/artists that are relatively new to gourd crafting and have not won a 1st place as a Novice. The Novice should not have taught a gourd class for a fee. The entrant may have no extensive experience or expertise in any art form that has been used on an entry, such as painting, carving, wood-burning.  If you have won a major award in a juried art show or won Best of Novice Division you must move up to the next division. Participation in the Novice division is limited to two years

1.      Category N-1 Pyrography - Wood-burning must predominate, but stain, dye or a small amount of color may be added to enhance the design.

2.      Category N-2 Carved/Filigree/Fretwork - Relief-carved, to create texture, chipped, chiseled or power-carved, penetration or cutting entirely through the shell is allowed.   May embellish with color.  A whole or opened gourd may be used.

3.      Category N-3 –Functional /Wearable Art- Gourds that have a function – playable, wearable or utilitarian.  May use multiple techniques.

4.      Category N-4 Painted or colored – Whole or cut gourd.  Variety of coloring mediums allowed:  paint, stains, dyes, inks, oil pastels, pencils, crayons, etc.

5.      Category N-5 Fiber/Weaving/Coiled – a gourd woven or coiled with mixed, natural, or man-made materials. Any weaving technique.

6.      Category N-6 Anything Goes – this category is open to your imagination.  Unique gourd art that does not fit into any other category.  Any combination of techniques and use of any media allowed. 


The Intermediate Division is for artists who understand and use basic techniques. Entrants should not have won a major award in a gourd show or a juried art show. They may have sold gourds but have not taught a gourd class for a fee.  If you win a Blue Ribbon in a specific category, you must move up to the next Division in that category.  If you have won 5 Blue Ribbons in the intermediate Division, you must move up to Advanced Division.  Once you win a Best of Division or Best of Show in this Division, you must move up to the Advanced Division.

1.      Category I- 1 Pyrography - Wood-burning must predominate, but stain, dye or a small amount of color may be added to enhance the design.

2.      Category I-2 Carved /Filigree/Fretwork - Relief-carved, to create texture, chipped, chiseled or power-carved, penetration or cutting entirely through the shell is allowed.  May embellish with color. A whole or opened gourd may be used.

3.      Category I-3 Functional /Wearable Art- Gourds that have a function – playable, wearable or utilitarian.  May use multiple techniques.

4.      Category I- 4 Painted or colored – Whole or cut gourd.  Variety of coloring mediums allowed: paint, stains, dyes, inks, oil pastels, pencils, crayons, etc.

5.      Category I-5 Fiber/Weaving/Coiled – a gourd woven or coiled with mixed, natural, or man-made materials.  Any weaving technique.

6.      Category I-6 Anything Goes – this category is open to your imagination. Unique gourd art that does not fit into any other category.  Any combination of techniques and use of any media allowed. 


The Advanced Division is for artists who have progressed to a more complicated level of work and have a good grasp of multiple techniques and finishing skills. They are creating more distinctive, original work and are ready to compete with a wider range of competitors. They may have taught a gourd class for a fee but have not won top awards in art/gourd competitions. Once you have won Best of the Division or Best of Show in this competition, you must move up to the next division.

 1.      Category A- 1 Pyrography - Wood-burning must predominate, but stain, dye or a small amount of color may be added to enhance the design.

2.      Category A-2 Carved - /Filigree/Fretwork Relief-carved, to create texture, chipped, chiseled or power-carved, penetration or cutting entirely through the shell is allowed.   May embellish with color. A whole or opened gourd may be used.

3.      Category A-3 Functional /Wearable Art- Gourds that have a function – playable, wearable or utilitarian.  May use multiple techniques.

4.      Category A- 4 Painted or colored – Whole or cut gourd.  Variety of coloring mediums allowed:  paint, stains, dyes, inks, oil pastels, pencils, crayons, etc.

5.      Category A-5 Fiber/Weaving/Coiled – a gourd woven or coiled with mixed, natural, or man-made materials. Any weaving technique.

6.      Category A-6 Anything Goes - this category is open to your imagination.  Unique gourd art that does not fit into any other category.  Any combination of techniques and use of any media allowed. 


The Master Division artist’s work shows excellent use of all techniques and finishing skills. The work is of original design. Their work may have been shown in galleries, previously won top awards in art/gourd com-petitions, and have reached the level of fine art. The artist should have won “Best of Advanced Division” to move up to the Masters Division. NOTE: Artists entering this Division are NOT allowed to enter Novice or Intermediate Divisions. Artists in this Division who are learning or perfecting a new skill and wish to enter a gourd utilizing that technique may enter that item in the Advanced Division.  Master Artists may include a biography with their entry form, which will be displayed with the entry. (Please furnish frame for display).

 1.      Category M- 1 Pyrography - Wood-burning must predominate, but stain, dye or a small amount of color may be added to enhance the design.

2.      Category M-2 Carved -/Filigree/Fretwork Relief-carved, to create texture, chipped, chiseled or power-carved, penetration or cutting entirely through the shell is allowed.  May embellish with color. A whole or opened gourd may be used.

3.      Category M-3 Functional /Wearable Art- Gourds that have a function – playable, wearable or utilitarian.  May use multiple techniques.

4.      Category M- 4 Painted or colored – Whole or cut gourd.  Variety of coloring mediums allowed: paint, stains, dyes, inks, oil pastels, pencils, crayons, etc.

5.      Category M-5 Fiber/Weaving/Coiled – a gourd woven or coiled with mixed, natural, or man-made materials. Any weaving technique.

6.      Category M-6 Anything Goes - this category is open to your imagination.  Unique gourd art that does not fit into any other category.  Any combination of techniques and use of any media allowed. 

Grand Master

The Grand Master Division is for the artist who consistently creates quality artwork that is solely the artist’s own concept. These artists have reached an artist skill level beyond the master’s level and have won “Best of” awards at previous shows. The artistic skills and techniques are considered superior and their creativity inspirational.

The artists work will not be judged, but will have a dedicated space in the competition to display their best or more recent works.

To Qualify for the Grand Master Division:

1. Entries are exceptional examples of gourd art in skills, techniques, and creativity.

2. An artist must have won either Best of Show or Best of Master Division, or both, at some time in the past.

 Artists who qualify need to contact competition coordinators and notify of their intent to participate six weeks prior to show.

Gourd Crafting Terms and Definitions

Accessories or Embellishments Any material added to the crafted gourd to complete the exhibit.

Artificial or Man-made Accessories/Embellishments Any material added to the crafted gourd that is not natural, such as artificial flowers, plastics, plastic eyes, or manufactured items. (See also Natural Accessories.)

Artificial Sinew A waxed nylon imitation of natural sinew (animal tendon) used in beading, sometimes used in place of cotton thread. Artificial sinew will be allowed on all entries.

Base A support or stand that holds a gourd at the proper angle or position. It may be metal, wood or a manufactured turn-table but the base will not be considered an accessory of the crafted gourd.

Basket A gourd with the top cut off with a carrying handle attached or cut so that part of the gourd remains to function as a handle.

Beading The technique of using beads to apply a design to a gourd. Beads may be applied with beeswax, embedded in recessed holes, strung and wrapped around, or sewn to the gourd. Beads are made of plastic, glass, and/or natural material, i.e. shell, wood, clay or seeds.

Bowl A gourd with the top cut off (or some portion cut off) to give the appearance of a container.

Burned Using a Flame (i.e., small torch) to char or change the color of the gourd surface (See also Pyrography/Wood-burning.)

Carved The removal of a portion of the outer surface of the shell of a gourd, exposing the undersurface to create a design or texture in relief, usually done with a power tool.

Chip Carving Carving done with gouging tools to “chip” out small pieces of gourd to create a pattern or design on the surface of the gourd.

Clear Finish Any finish, such as varnish, shellac, wax or oil, which enhances the overall appearance of the gourd but adds no color (except the slight natural darkening that may occur).

Coiled Use of pine needles or grasses, or other materials, wrapped and held in place by thread, raffia or sinew to cover rims of bowls or create designs on gourds.

Color/Coloring Using any medium that adds to, enhances, or changes the natural appearance of the gourd’s surface. Some examples of color media are stains, dyes, inks, oil pastel pencils, crayons, colored pencils, felt tip pens, acrylic paints, oil paints, watercolors, colored waxes, etc.

Cut Gourd Cutting all the way through the gourd shell to create a hole or opening (as opposed to surface cuts as in carving). The cut or openings are incorporated into the design.

Embellishment/Accessories Any material that is added to the gourd to enhance the overall design and appearance of the gourd. (See also Artificial Accessories and Natural Accessories.)

Filigree/Fretwork   An intricate, interlaced, decorative design (of holes or other shapes) cut into and through the shell of the gourd, usually done with power tools.

Functional An item fashioned to be used.  For example, gourd pitcher that actually holds water and has a functional spout and handle.

Medium/Media Material used for artistic expression, such as paint, dye, ink, clay, beads, etc.

Natural Accessories Any material added to the crafted gourd that is natural. Examples include linen/cotton thread, grasses, pine needles, seeds pods, shells, stones, bone, feathers, etc.

Pyrography/Wood-burning Burning a design (lines and shading) on a gourd with the use of an electric wood-burning tool.

Predominate The word “predominate” (when used in Competition Class description to indicate the amount of medium or technique to be used on the crafted gourd) means that the majority of the crafted gourd surface should exhibit the required medium or technique.

Weaving Interlacing various materials attached to the gourd, such as grasses, cords, natural fibers, etc. Weaving techniques include coiling, twining, twill, over/under and Teneriffe.

updated 6/10/24